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Online Life Coach

Master Coach ✓


I am a Life coach specialized in life transitions, career changes and professional development, as well as academic and school-life coaching.

Contact me for a free discovery session

Who am I?

A mirror, a partner, a support, a catalyst ...

Coach bien-être


I help you improve your sense of well-being and create greater resonance between your personality, your values, and the meaning you desire for your life.

coach développement personnel

Personal development

I guide you towards gaining a better understanding of how you function, what your skills are, and where your deepest desires lie.


I engage your energy and help boost your self-confidence so that you can better realize your potential and have a more positive self-image.

coach inspiration et idées


I help you discover your worth, the precious DNA that makes you who you are, so that you can learn to cultivate and develop it.

Coach professionnelle aide au travail
Développement personnel
Coach de vie en ligne spécialisée dans les transitions de vie
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Happiness lies in the joy of self-fulfillment

Be true to your values. Identify them, replace them at the heart of your life and make them the driving force of your professional activity. The more you honor your deep convictions, the more you manifest yourself in harmony with yourself and the more you radiate around you.

Embrace a positive spirit. Take a step back, and look at what is going well in your life. Focus on what makes your strength, your pride, your legitimacy. Celebrate your successes, even those that seem insignificant, and treat yourself with respect and forbearance.


Coaching Process

I assist you in imagining and formalizing your personal, professional, or academic development ambitions.

I help you communicate about your plans with conviction and persuasion.

I give you tools to discover your inner potential so that you can find the joy, confidence, and energy you need to move forward with dedication and a concrete action plan.

As you better align your vision for your life with who you are, the coaching services I provide will meet your needs for growing and flourishing.

Are you ready to set your life in motion to discover the best version of yourself?

"When the winds of change blow, some build shelters and others build mills."

Gain greater confidence to achieve better results...

  • Are you someone with a lot of initiative? Do you love challenges and aspire to greater independence and freedom in your personal or professional life?
  • Do you dream of leading a more exciting or meaningful life?
  • When you think about your future, do you have more questions than answers, or do you feel too mentally bogged down to see clearly?
  • Do you have goals, but do not know if they are achievable?
  • Or do you lack the support you require and want to talk with someone who is attentive and receptive to your ideas?


Latest blog posts

All the tips you need for your personal development


Life Crisis or Opportunity: Does Life Begin After 40?🤔

The beautiful book written by Christophe Fauré certifies it: life begins after 40 years! ☄️ In a society where youth is on the rise, it is good to...

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Time for a career change? 6 tell-tale signs it’s time to shift course

➡️ More than 1 out of 2 working adults dream of changing careers. , and perhaps you are one of them? Identifying these clear signs can help you reassess...

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Self-sabotage…or shooting yourself in the foot? What is it? What do to about it?

When I accompany clients during my Career Change Coaching program, I very often observe self-sabotage behaviors......

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